A collection of links to radio and podcast episodes (in English) with a mathematics bent — to inspire teachers to inspire, to feed the minds of our young mathematicians in the making, or, simply, to entertain. Programmes have been (loosely) categorised as shown below, and arranged alphabetically within each category by programme title, subject, or mathematician's surname. The episodes may be used to support teaching, or perhaps as drivers of extra-curricular programmes, or simply to share for enjoyment. The collection is updated regularly, but if you discover an interesting programme that is not included here, please do let me know in the comments.

This link will take you to a list of the parent programmes / series the episodes have been curated from, as indicated by the number in parentheses after each episode, e.g., (7) indicates that the episode is from the BBC series The Infinite Monkey Cage

In addition, if you want even more, this link will take you to a selection of 30 other exclusively maths-focused podcasts / series that I have not collated episodes from in the thematic list below, given that their entire focus is mathematics.




The History of Mathematics
(Click here to return to the menu)

The People of Mathematics
(Click here to go back to the menu)

The Mathematics Itself
(Click here to go back to the menu)

Making Sense of things with Mathematics
(Click here to go back to the menu)

Making Sense of Things with Statistics
(Click here to go back to the menu)

Teaching of Mathematics & the Mathematical Mind
(Click here to go back to the menu)

Other Mathematical Curios
(Click here to go back to the menu)

The collection includes:
(Click here to go back to the menu)
  1. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 In Our Time 
  2. All episodes from BBC Radio 4 Marcus du Sautoy's A Brief History of mathematics
  3. All episodes from BBC Radio 4 Marcus du Sautoy's Five Shapes
  4. All episodes from BBC Radio 4 Simon Singh's Five Numbers
  5. All episodes from BBC Radio 4 Simon Singh's Another Five Numbers
  6. All episodes from BBC Radio 4 Simon Singh's A Further Five Numbers
  7. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 The Infinite Monkey Cage
  8. All episodes from BBC Radio 4 A History of the Infinite
  9. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 More Or Less
  10. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 Great Lives
  11. Select episodes from BBC World Service More Or Less
  12. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 Seriously
  13. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 Incarnations: India in Fifty Lives
  14. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 Start the Week
  15. Select episodes from BBC Radio 4 The Life Scientific
  16. Other programs from BBC Radio, including: Chinese CharactersDavid Baddiel Tries to UnderstandThe Curious Cases of Rutherford and FryGood Luck Professor SpiegelhalterHow to Teach MathsMaths and MagicMusic Matters, SidewaysThe Essay: The Secret Mathematician, Room 101, You're Dead to Me
  17. Select episodes from The Partially Examined Life podcast
  18. Select episodes from Futility Closet podcast
  19. Select episodes from Freakonomics podcast
  20. Select episodes from Radiolab podcast
  21. Select episodes from Teach Better podcast
  22. Select episodes from Modern Learners podcast
  23. Select episodes from Plus Magazine podcasts
  24. Select episodes from The Guardian's Science Weekly podcast
  25. Select episodes from The Naked Scientists podcast
  26. Select episodes from The NCETM Maths podcast
  27. Select episodes from The James Altucher Show podcast
  28. Select episodes from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and BBC Radio Oxford Funbers 
  29. Select episodes from Things Fall Apart podcast
  30. Select episodes from The Zone of Potential Construction podcast
  31. Select episodes from Sean Carroll's Mindscape podcast
  32. Select episodes from Alan Alda's Clear and Vivid podcast
  33. Select episodes from the Big Picture Science show produced at the SETI Institute
  34. Select episodes from The Stephen Wolfram podcast
  35. Select episodes from Quanta magazine podcasts
  36. Select episodes from BBC Radio Cosmic Quest
  37. Select episodes from TED Radio Hour
  38. Select episodes from BBC Out for the Count
  39. Select episodes from Harvard Radcliffe Institute's Born Curious podcast
  40. Select episodes from the Lex Fridman podcast 
  41. Select episodes from Quanta Science podcast

A selection of other maths-focused podcasts
Breaking Mathby @breakingmathpod — A podcast that aims to make maths accessible to everyone, and make it enjoyable.

Funbers, by @tomrocksmaths with BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and BBC Radio Oxford — A podcast looking at numbers closely to reveal some fun facts about them.

Global Maths Department podcast — A group of maths educators sharing what they’ve learned.

Making Math Moments That Matter — A podcast exploring pedagogical practices to create a classroom culture where students don’t want to stop exploring mathematics when the bell rings.

Math Ed, by Samuel Otten University of Missouri — Interviews with mathematics education researchers about recent studies.

Maths Appeal podcast, from Bobby Seagull and Susan Okereke — Discussions about key maths topics, maths puzzles, and interviews with maths champions from the worlds of tech, entertainment, comedy, and education.

Mathematically Speaking podcast — A podcast that explores mathematics, mathematical philosophy and how that relates to the real world and our lives through the history of maths.

Mathematical Moments — The podcast of the American Mathematical Society @amermathsoc, with each episode being accompanied by an explanatory poster.

Mathematical Objects — A podcast with @stecks and @peterrowlett chatting about some aspect of mathematics using a mathematical object as inspiration.

Maths + Cancer hosted by Dr Vicki Neale — A series of 6 episodes exploring how maths and stats help with cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment; and the stories behind the researchers making it happen.

More or Less: Behind the statistics, from BBC Radio 4, with Tim Harford — Trying to make sense of the statistics which surround us.

Mr Barton Maths, from @mrbartonmaths — A podcast of interviews with 'fellow teachers, bloggers, thinkers, or people of influence'.

My Favourite Theorem, from @myfavethm with @niveknosdunk and @evelynjlamb — A podcast dedicated to sharing guests' favourite mathematical results.

NCETM podcast, from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics — A podcast exploring areas of interest and debate in the teaching of maths across all school and college phases.

New Books in Mathematics, from @NewBooksNetwork — A podcast of 'interviews with Mathematicians about their new books.

Odds and Evenings — A podcast about mathematics, puzzles, numbers and games.

Opinionated History of Mathematics — A podcast sharing tales of historical mathematics and its interplay with science, philosophy, and culture. From Intellectual Mathematics.

Plus Magazine 'Maths On The Move' podcast — A podcast of the online magazine that aims to introduce listeners to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.

Puzzling Maths, from @RobEastaway and @AJMagicMessage — A podcast about mathematical puzzles and talk about the quirky ways in which maths crops up in our everyday lives.

Relatively Prime: Stories form the mathematical domain, with @Samuel_Hansen — A podcast 'featuring stories from the mathematical domain,' 

Speaking Tangentially — A series of talks and lectures from Oxford Mathematicians exploring the power and beauty of mathematics.

Taking Maths Further, from @furthermaths with @peterrowlett and @stecks — Each episode 'takes a topic from the A-level Maths or Further Maths syllabus and looks at its applications.'

The Numberphile podcast, with Brady Haran — A pdocast where Brady talks with mathematicians involved in the wonderful Numberphile videos in more depth.

The Secrets of Mathematics podcast (audio and video)from the University of Oxford — A 'series of talks and lectures from Oxford Mathematicians exploring the power and beauty of their subject.'

The Joy of x podcast, with Steven Strogatz via Quanta Magazine — Mathematician and author Steven Strogatz interviews some of the world’s leading scientists about their lives and work.

Travels in a Mathematical World, by @peterrowlett @IMAmaths — Featuring mathematicians talking about their work, features on maths history and news.

Unchartered, BBC with Hannah Fry — Investigating 10 mysteries to reveal 'the power of numbers behind each one... [and] the remarkable people who followed the data and unearthed something extraordinary.'

The Universe Speaks in Numbers, from Faber Books with Graham Farmelo — Graham in conversation with some of the great names in modern physics and mathematics.

Women in Math: The Limit Does Not Exist, by Damien Adams — A podcast to promote the visibility of women in mathematics.

Wrong but Useful podcast — A podcast from Flying Colours Maths by Colin Beveridge.

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